Featured Products
Covid 19 Equipment
Cupboard With 1/2 Adjustable Shelves
Desk With Metal Frames
examination couch
Flipchart On Metal Easel
Hand Wash Sink Peddle Operated
Hospital Bed
Key Cabinet
Locker 1-5 Compartment
Notice Board (90cm x 60cm)
Sanitizing Gel Bracket
Step stools
Trolley With 2 Tiers
White Board (90cm x 60cm)

Promoting Kenyan Workmanship
Orbit Engineering takes great pride in promoting local workmanship and ensuring that our team is provided with continuous development of their skills.
We use the best in-house practices to ensure that the service levels and product quality is maintained.
Our raw materials are chosen for their versatility and functionality to give you something which that lasts.
Made to Order
We match individual customer requirements to ensure that customers receive a product that meets their functional needs.
Our Products

Vehicle Body Building
For Pickups, Tuk-Tuks, Canters, Ten wheelers, Trailers, Mobile Clinics

Office & Schools Furniture
We can provide an institution with Desks, Chairs, Whiteboards, Flip charts, Library Shelving & Furniture

Warehouse Equipment, Shelving & Racking
Heavy duty Pallet Racking, Medium duty and light duty racking, Warehouse trolleys, First Aid cabinets, Fire Extinguisher Cabinets, Aluminium Partitioning

Hospital Furniture & Equipment
From all types of hospital beds, patient trolleys, drips stands, ward screens, hospital mattresses, drug cupboards
Filing Systems & Cabinets
We provide complete cabinet & filing solutions for offices & educational, health and government institutions.
Kitchen Furniture and Equipment
Items made with stainless steel including Cabinets, Grease Traps, Sinks, Grease Traps, Trolleys